Try This Fun, Flexible Language-Learning App


It can be quite inspiring when you start breaking down all of the different ways knowing a language, other than your native tongue, can make life better. The first, and arguably most obvious, is the simple truth that the more languages you know, the more people you can connect with. In addition to enriching travel, opening up job prospects, opening up social possibilities — platonic, romantic, any kind honestly — and being good for your mind, it can also be super fun.

This might seem like an exaggerated lecture on the benefits of multilingualism, especially for those of us who have tried learning before and have not had fun in the process. We’re here to say, maybe there’s a better tool for you. For example, Babbel is a premium, subscription-based language-learning platform and it is available in 14 languages. Its bite-sized, ten-minute lessons complement a wide range of learning tools — i.e. podcasts, games, and videos — to make learning genuinely engaging.

How Babbel Assures Quality

Rather than solely leaning on some AI program to churn out vocabulary exercises without much creativity or quality assurance, Babbel comes from the minds and oversight of over 150 expert linguists. In addition to attracting millions of satisfied users, Babbel’s teaching methods have reportedly enabled some users to start to engage in basic conversations within just three weeks of daily practice on the app. A major element of its ability to promote conversational learning comes from Babbel’s Speech Recognition Technology, which is designed to help users hone in on proper pronunciation in addition to comprehension.

Taking a Cultural Approach

One of the main criticisms you hear from people who took a language at one point or another and didn’t retain it is that they missed out on learning conversation, and cultural context. In addition to its speech recognition, Babbel goes beyond simply teaching lessons and offers context tips throughout its lessons, and even full courses on the countries and traditions associated with the language you’re studying.

This ties back nicely into why we get into learning languages in the first place. Whether you’re studying for an upcoming trip, or to engage with a colleague or friend from a different country, or to open your mind — this is all enhanced by cultural context and insights.

If this sounds comprehensive and engaging to you, but there’s also the wonder of whether or not it could be improved by some human-to-human interaction, Babbel has you covered again. Babbel Live offers live online classes with top teachers based around the country.

Babbel’s Success

Babbel has sold over 10 million subscriptions, which is a strong symbol of its effectiveness and how much people enjoy learning with it. And despite that foundation, the people behind this service still aim to please everyone. So any user who isn’t fully satisfied is entitled to a full refund with a 20-day money-back guarantee. Though many users find themselves beginning to speak conversationally in around that amount of time. So, the next step is to subscribe and try it.

For a limited time, get up to 55% off your subscription to Babbel

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