Seamless, Decentralized Hosting Is Now a Reality


Presently, most prominent hosting services are centralized, relying on server uptime for reliability. This leads to less secure hosting, the potential for unsolicited data sharing and a lack of anonymity – essentially the opposite of the permissionless ethos of blockchain.

StackOS is a cross-chain open infrastructure protocol which provides developers and end users the ability to deploy full-stack applications, decentralized apps, blockchain privatenets and mainnet nodes. The entire network is permissionless, allowing users to provide computational power and storage in exchange for tokens.

Where is the true value in decentralized infrastructure?

We are seeing more and more instances of centralized cloud providers going down due to issues such as DNS problems.or unforeseen circumstances such as the fire which took down a huge European data center. These types of vulnerabilities leave businesses and developers who rely on them facing serious downtime, loss of revenue and the prospect of data breaches. These services are often expensive to run on, require complex and slow procedures to deploy applications and by their very nature, are simply not fully private.

The team behind StackOS saw the need for decentralised infrastructure when working on a series of blockchain projects which required anonymity, speed, privacy and security; but couldn’t find these within the existing centralized hosting products.

The goal behind StackOS is to enable anyone to offer computing resources to a decentralized cloud that any developer, anywhere in the world, can use to seamlessly and anonymously deploy applications on to. They define themselves as a decentralized version of Amazon’s AWS – providing the scale and functionality developers require, but without the headaches a centralized infrastructure provides.

What are the use cases for decentralized infrastructure?

The ability to leverage a collective, decentralized cloud infrastructure provides numerous applications for full-stack application, decentralized app and blockchain development teams:

  • Application deployment – Applications can be deployed in minutes, making launching and testing of new apps and features much faster
  • Decentralized cloud computing power – Since StackOS is an open protocol, anyone can join the network to offer anonymous computational power. The end result is a more robust network which is less susceptible to downtime or targeted attacks.
  • Private testing environments – Onboard testnet integration allows developers to deploy a dApp to a private environment for testing, move to a public testnet for community interaction and lastly onto mainnet — all from one interface.
  • Marketplace for decentralized economy – Applications are enabled to become NFTs, meaning the original author is incentivized to deploy from the marketplace.
  • Equality in revenue distribution – Whereas centralised cloud providers horde profits for shareholder value, StackOS ensures that revenues are distributed to individuals who contribute to the decentralized cloud

Join the StackOS project community through forthcoming double IDOs

The STACK token is the native currency for paying for the resources on StackOS. Developers can pay with ETH or BNB, which are then swapped with STACK to operate. StackOS is now ready to launch the STACK token on BSCPad and PAID Network’s Ignition Launchpad before the end of April. Tokens are used within the protocol’s liquidity pool as a reward for computing resource providers, and as a payment currency for computing resources.

This is a great opportunity to get involved in an exciting project at a very early stage. It also provides participants with voting rights to help steer the project as it grows. The team behind StackOS are looking to use this funding round to springboard further development of the decentralized infrastructure protocol, and scale new and even more valuable features and products. 

On this note, the StackOS team have most recently announced a valuable collaboration with Chainlink, which will allow the launch of a secure oracle solution for validating DNS ownership of dApps. 

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Block Telegraph Staff

BlockTelegraph is the leading blockchain news publication, covering NFTs, DApps, and the decentralized finance industry.