How to become part of Davos Tech and Blockchain reunion this January, 21-25?


14 January 2019, Davos, Switzerland – Davos Conference Week and its tech community are rapidly growing around Davos during the Annual Meeting. The number of blockchain and tech side events in Davos has doubled since 2018, when the trend started.

Each winter, the Swiss town of Davos is hosting an important Annual Meeting. This January, 21-25, the event will gather the world’s most powerful executives, politicians, and investors among others. While reaching Davos during the Annual Meeting is possible only by invitation and by spending up to $500,000 for costs, tech entrepreneurs and startups can still draw benefits from the event by taking part in the Davos Conference Week. The latter is a series of conference events, dinners, and exhibitions that occur in parallel with the main event.

At the 2017 meeting, Canadian businessman Don Tapscott presented his book “Blockchain Revolution,” which touches upon the future of the blockchain technology. In 2018, a group of blockchain entrepreneurs started to organize meetings and exhibitions on the main street of Davos, known as Promenade. This coming January, over 10 side blockchain and tech conferences are expected to run along with the Annual Meeting. Some of them are Blockbase, BEF Latoken, EM Tech, and Digital Davos. They will occupy the pavilions on Promenade or take over some of the best hotels, such as Belvedere, Seehof or Intercontinental.

Many startups regard the Davos Conference Week as a springboard to their growth. Tech entrepreneurs and executives from all sectors can establish new relationships with influential people, find potential clients and investors.

But how can young entrepreneurs and early-stage startups really afford Davos during the Annual Meeting? The same question was addressed by a group of entrepreneurs from Davos-Apartments and Crypto PR Lab (powered by Millenium).

Where to stay during Davos Conference Week?

For instance, Davos-Apartments offer affordable accommodation for the guests of Annual Meeting and tech side events. The beautiful chalets are located in downtown and countryside of Davos surrounded by the majestic panorama of the Swiss Alps. Their aim is to bring an unconference atmosphere, which is about peer-to-peer learning and collaboration.

Cedric Sommer, entrepreneur and manager at Davos-Apartments shared one of his experiences in Davos:

“One of my personal favorite memories is when heavy snow of more than five feet was hitting Davos overnight in January 2018. I stayed at the tech community house with 25 other entrepreneurs. At 7 am, when we woke up we saw that the path to the train station was completely covered with snow. There is no way we could walk through it, maybe only swim. No time to wait for a snowmachine to come, the breakfast panel at Belvedere was starting in 1 hour. So we all took gear and shoveled together the path. This was a first for some to experience snow, for many to shovel snow, and certainly a first for anyone to do so in a suit or dress.”

“In the end, moments like these create friendship and trust between leaders from all industries and all backgrounds. You will not remember everyone you met at a business networking in Davos, but you certainly will remember everyone you stayed with in this house,” Sommer added.

What to do at the Davos Conference Week?

For its guests, Davos Apartments and Crypto PR Lab provide an RSVP calendar for most of the Davos Conference Week events. There are over 100 events running at the same time in Davos.

Some of the exciting panels and events this January are:

  • Davos Planetary Supernodes Gathering 2019 by Blockbase
  • “Blockchain in Healthcare Insurance & Beyond: Are We Ready?” by Reuters
  • “DCVC Deep Tech” by Silicon Valley venture fund DCVC
  • Humans 2.0 by Economist

It is sometimes hard to find or to choose where to go. “Where do I meet Bill Gates and Jack Ma? How to be part of Marc Benioff’s reception or legendary Oleg Deripaska party?” – are some of the frequent questions asked by the attendees. Crypto PR Lab helps startups make meaningful connections in Davos by organizing Davos Dinners and providing first timers assistance. It enables entrepreneurs to increase their chance to meet the right people among the elite.

Alexandra Karpova, CEO of Crypto PR Lab and Millenium, commented:

“We put together Private Investors Dinner at Seehof and our clients couldn’t be happier. We bring top investors to the table and give them the unique networking opportunity. Where else can you meet all world’s leaders in such an intimate setting? Davos is certainly the place to be.”

Entrepreneurs who want to achieve success during the series of events should apply some tricks that would give them confidence. For example, they should come up with pre-defined topic hooks – like keywords – that would attract the attention of investors and top executives. Davos attendees should always be open to opportunity. Indeed, a short, random meeting with a senior executive can turn game-changing for their business.  

In the end, Davos Conference Week opens the door for regular tech startups and entrepreneurs. The important thing is to know how to reap the benefits from it.

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