Fight to Fame Brings Blockchain to Hollywood


There has been little innovation in the world of reality television since American Idol hit the airwaves, that is until Fight to Fame stepped up to the plate. The international reality competition has created quite the buzz with its unique blockchain voting system and publicly traded cryptocurrency. The show aims to bring the next generation of action stars to Hollywood while bringing the industry to the 21st century. 

The premise of the competition is a simple one: finding the next big-name action-movie star in the world of fight sports and bringing them to the masses. There is historical precedent showing that successful fighters make great action stars, former UFC superstar Rhonda Rousey started her acting career cast alongside Hollywood heavyweights Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, and Jet Li in The Expendables 3. Speaking of Jet Li, he is a martial arts master that competed on the Chinese National Wushu Team and has a Hollywood career full of blockbuster action films. 

The list goes on and on. Part of what makes fighters such good action stars is their ability to deliver jaw dropping and realistic fight scenes. When you are watching a scene where someone takes on a room full of bad guys, knowing that the actor could probably do something similar in real life, suspension of disbelief skyrockets. 

What makes Fight to Fame so innovative? It’s all in the blockchain. 

So what makes Fight to Fame so revolutionary and different from the short-lived Next Action Star reality show from 2004? Aside from the obvious differences that Fight to Fame’s contestants are all professional fighters and pulls competitors from a global pool, the answer lies in the blockchain voting system. 

Reality shows are notorious for being “not that real.” Whether the drama is manufactured through editing or the results are fixed outright, viewers have lost faith in the competition reality show. Fight to Fame aims to combat that with full transparency into its voting system. 

Blockchain voting has been touted for its security and transparency, so much so that it has been proposed as an alternative to traditional political voting methods. While its use in the political arena has been heavily debated, it was used on a small scale during the 2018 general election for military personnel overseas. Addressing the technology in 2018, Mike Queen—deputy chief of staff for the West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner—said that, “Not only does blockchain make it secure, but [the blockchain-based mobile app] has a really unique biometric safeguard system in place as well as facial recognition and thumb-prints.” 

Cryptocurrency is, obviously, an integral part of the blockchain process. So naturally, Fight to Fame created their own currency. The FF Token has been turning heads in cryptocurrency circles, jumping up over 900% from its initial price on the over-the-counter market. Fight to Fame is working under an exclusive contract with BKEX, the number one ranking cryptocurrency exchange globally. That partnership not only increases the exposure surrounding the company’s cryptocurrency—and the company itself—but increases consumer faith in the product. 

Fight to Fame’s business model has them ready to shake-up multiple industries.

The Fight to Fame business model is what makes them truly unique. It combines the worlds of sports, film, and blockchain in a never-before-seen, but, easily digestible format. Harvard University took notice, calling Fight to Fame’s development “nothing short of blockchain excellence” in a Harvard Policy Review blog post.  They go on to acknowledge the brilliance of the company’s setup, saying, “this is the future of sport-entertainment and it is well and truly here.”

Being co-signed by Harvard is quite the honor and it is one that is well deserved in this case. Fight to Fame’s design is one that incorporates elements from massive yet seemingly disparate industries and brings them together in such a fluid way that it leaves one wondering, why hasn’t this been done before? 

The integration of blockchain technology into a reality television competition is not only a logical next step for the industry but one that almost seems necessary. The crossover between fight sports and action movies is tried-and-true, but historically it has only happened with established commodities who are looking to transition out of their fighting careers not with fighters in their prime. Fight to Fame opens the doors to Hollywood for fighters who are still building their brands and deserve more recognition while they are in the condition to deliver mind-blowing fight scenes that have yet to be seen on camera. 

The last, but possibly most important factor, is how the decentralized nature of blockchain voting allows for Fight to Fame to reach international markets and access a truly global talent pool. When you combine all of the aforementioned factors, you have a new product poised to shake-up multiple industries. 

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