Common Cents Coin Brings Political Activism to the Blockchain

Common Cents Coin

The Common Cents Coin is launching to provide an unprecedented bridge between the blockchain and political activism. Founded with a vision to rethink the political paradigm in the Web3 era, the Common Cents Coin will allow users to purchase a coin that will support political organizations aligned with conservative values.

Using Blockchain to Put Power Back in the Hands of The People

The Common Cents Coin project was conceptualized by a group of conservative-minded, industry leaders from both the blockchain and political arena who recognize the potential of Web3 to help put power back into the hands of the American people. The coin was designed to allow holders to support conservative political initiatives that the Common Cents Coin has aligned itself with.

The Common Cents Coin’s tokenomics allows for holders to participate in an environment that aligns with their political values.

Named after the 47-page “Common Sense” pamphlet written by 18th century political activist Thomas Paine in 1775 advocating for the independence of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain, Common Cents was created as a platform to help once again restore values of freedom, limited government and free markets.

The Common Cents coin has already attracted support from influential leaders in the conservative political sphere including advisor to former President Donald J. Trump, Roger Stone and Newsmax television host John Tabacco.

The waitlist for the Common Coin Token is open now. Sign up to stay up-to-date on all things related to the project.

Learn more about the Common Cents Coin here and join the Common Cents Telegram.

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