Maintaining the Momentum of the CFC
CFC Goes WEST will build on the dialogue begun in Switzerland at the first conference. Back in January, the Suvretta House Hotel in St. Moritz played host to 250 investors from around the world. Like California’s event looks to do, CFC Switzerland had a conservative emphasis on cryptocurrency and blockchain.
Speaking the Language of Silicon Valley
CFC Goes WEST will make the storage of crypto assets and ways to mitigate risk core focuses. Certainly it’s not breaking news to say many in Silicon Valley look upon cryptocurrency and blockchain with great optimism.
Yet it’s also clear that any premature embrace that results in loss, failure – or even just a terribly damaging data scandal as seen with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica – could be ruinous to a company. This in an era where Silicon Valley is a growing target from foreign governments seeking to strike a blow at the heart of American innovation.
Local and Global
Silicon Valley is just one arena in a world wrestling with cryptocurrency. Beyond the U.S. in the heart of Asia, Tokyo and Beijing have taken radically different approaches to cryptocurrency regulation. This will have long term implications. Even the cryptocurrency-friendly approach of Japan’s government is facing ongoing tests, and the same is seen with blockchain.
Many governments are putting out thought bubbles and memos offering support to blockchain. But actually finding a balance between encouraging the promise of emerging tech and preventing new security threats is a challenge. For all stakeholders CFC’s security focus is timely in era where potential must now shift into real policy.
East Coast vs West Coast
The great benefit of CFC Goes WEST will not only be in the conference itself, but what it offers the U.S. and the wider global landscape in emerging tech dialogue. New York had the landmark Consensus 2018 back in May, and the East Coast event has been complemented by a ton of crypto and blockchain events along the U.S. eastern seaboard, in Canada, and the Caribbean.
The West Coast has comparatively been underrepresented. Especially with Las Vegas also vying for emerging tech events as an entertainment epicenter. That’s why CFC Goes WEST offers some real promise. To not only grow conversation at the grassroots level with Silicon Valley, but also provide a foundation for ongoing dialogue in the future within the U.S’s leading tech scene.