Billionaire Zombies to Donate One Billion Tokens to Charities on Giving Tuesday

Billionaire Zombies Club

The Billionaire Zombies Club (BZC), a fast growing NFT art community, is launching a substantial token drop for all of its members on this year’s Giving Tuesday, November 30th.  The upstart community has decided to award 1 Billion tokens (45% of their genesis token drop) to charities around the globe through a group of partners targeting at-risk youth in developing countries.  The remaining 55% will be distributed to the owners of the project’s NFT collection via an airdrop to their wallets where they hold their art assets.

An overnight success, the BZC collection sold one half of one million dollars of collectible digital art in its first minting; selling out its 10,000 unique art pieces in just 12 days.  The art collection is now estimated to be worth north of $20,000,000 

The BZC Collection initially sold for under $50 and now has a consistently rising floor of around $500 as of this writing. The highest sale to date registered at about $14,000 or 2.5 ETH at the time. Surprisingly out of the 10,000 pieces of art, less than 2,000 are listed for sale with a low end sale being a 10x return for investors in just a few weeks.

During a recent series of announcements, Billionaire Zombies Club announced an ambitious roadmap that includes a robust metaverse gaming platform being developed by Billionaire Zombies Club community members with significant development experience in building MMORPG and 3D gaming engines.  These recent additions to the core team of this project along with cryptocurrency experts, marketers,business developers,  and influencers, hope to create what is anticipated to be a legendary gaming and community experience in the metaverse.  

As with the cream of the crop of NFT projects, these unique pieces of non fungible token art actually represent more of a passport to a new digital reality rather than just something to look at or throw on a digital art display.  People in this community are buying into experiences and a technological future that they want to be a part of.  

Who would have thought that Zombies could be making the world a better place?

About Billionaire Zombies Club

Billionaire Zombies Club (BZC )was initially the vision of artist Axeman J who served as a civil servant in Singapore before creating the Billionaire Zombies Club and introducing his unique artwork to the world. BZC minted its initial offering of 10,000 NFTs in less than 12 days.  The BZC community currently boasts more than 15,000 Discord members.

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