During Sundance Film Festival 2023, global business development and marketing agency Feedia relaunched the 2050 Forums to aggregate thought leaders, cultural leaders, and investors to begin to form the building blocks of global coalitions to address humanity’s greatest challenges. 2050 may seem like the distant future, but in reality is only a couple of decades away. (The year 2000 was about two decades ago.)
What legacy will we leave to our family’s? What future will we set humanity up for? These outcomes are yet to be determined but are being decided across the globe at this pivotal moment.
The UN and the climate community say that if we don’t reduce our carbon footprint to “Net Zero” by 2050 then the temperature of the earth will rise by more than 1.5 degrees and we risk setting off catastrophic climate change. We are already feeling the effects of this across the planet.
According to the Anti-Defamation League, “2021 was the highest year on record for documented reports of harassment, vandalism and violence directed against Jews.”
The Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism reports: “Hate crimes rose 44% last year in major cities.”
According to the Journal of Global Health “500 million people lack access to menstrual products and hygiene facilities.”
These statistics are jarring at best and at worst are a direct wake up call for humanity to take action.
The 2050 Forums, which was initially launched in 2019, is a global event series guided by the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDG’s) designed to drive awareness and action toward reducing the world’s carbon footprint and other areas of global significance while providing brands, thought leaders, and influencers the ability to create targeted awareness campaigns via a flexible and evolving global event, thought leadership, and content series produced by Feedia.
The 2050 Forums @ Sundance, which was hosted at Park City, Utah’s Lighthouse, Misfit House and Macro Lodge, was sponsored by The Magic Fund, Upstaged, Culture Shift Labs, Origen Vodka, Ocean Box, Wise Logistics, Lights, Camera, Diaspora, Value Culture, Uncle Nearest, Talent X, Axxess, Canex, and the African Export-Import Bank.
To produce the 2050 Forums @ Sundance 2023, Feedia partnered with ME Ventures, Fusicology, Grit Daily, Block Telegraph, Esaiyo, Could You?,Misfit, L I G H T S P A C E, Gaia House, Pixel Ray Studios, Ahura AI, Next Narrative Africa, Zenspirations, Crypto Miami, The African Renaissance Diaspora Network. This robust global coalition formed to spark dialogue and convene “Parties with a Purpose” to focus the collective energies of humanity and rally our species to fight against some of humanity’s greatest challenges.Highlights from the 2050 Forums are live on the Feedia YouTube Channel.
2050 Forums @ Sundance 2023 Powered by Feedia (Highlights Part 1)
Speakers and subject matter experts for The 2050 Forums @ Sundance included: Sami Steigman ( United Against Hate), Patrick Gaspard(Africa),Ozi Menakaya(Africa), Dr. Semhal Ghessese (United Against Hate), Stephan Hartman (The Future of Digital Media), Dr. Sharon Megdal (Climate Innovation), Adu Maikori (Africa @Sundance), Maebel Gebremedhim (United Against Hate), Richard Gant (The Red Card Campaign Against Gender Based Violence and Discrimination), Max Louis (The Influencer Economy), Dr. Lejuene Lockett (The Red Card Campaign Against Gender Based Violence and Discrimination), Sierra Quitiquit (Climate Innovation), Brandon Pankey (The Future of Digital Media), Melissa Mitchell (The Influencer Economy), Steven Masur (BlockChain Regulation), Jason Steinhauer (How Technology is Disrupting History), Mark Cianci (BlockChain Regulation), Raymond St Martin (NFT’s and The Global Heritage Economy), Ramfis Myrthil (Future of Film/Ricky), Naema Butt (The Singularity), Jason Steinhauer (How Technology is Disrupting History), Christine Garde Denning (Gender Equality), Anitha Vadavatha (The Singularity), Paolo Privitera The (Future of Digital Media), Maxim Jago (Artificial Intelligence and Creativity) ,and Allessandro Loprieno (The Future of Digital Media).
Performers for 2050 Forums @Sundance 2023 included Max Louis, Snow Raven, Kosha Dillz , David Webber, and Medicine Love. Visual artists included Isla Moon, Joseph Scala, and Alejandro Glatt.
2050 Forums would like to thank special contributors to The 2050 Forums including: The producers and casts of Ricky, Mami Wata, and Animalia, Lisa Coltman ,The Lighthouse, Misfit, (AJ /Nick/Melissa/Izzy), Noah Greenburger, Kerry Lee Miller, Joanne Fink. Missy Livingstone, Judd, Tucker, Sky, Carita, Alexandra Robcyk, Kat Nowak, Steve Dalton, Melissa Potter, Jonathan Gray, Brian Devine, Andrew Namias, Anna C, Tamar Simon, Isabel Celeste,Victoria Duruh, Roland Hall, and Jerushaleum.
2050 Forums has partnered with Grit Daily House
2050 Forums has partnered with Grit Daily House to produce 2050 Forums at Grit Daily House at SXSW March 10th to 15th 2023 in Austin, Texas. These vital conversations about humanity’s path to 2050 will continue @ Coachchella, NFT.NYC, The Cannes Film Festival, Art Basel, COP 28, UNGA 2023, Consumer Electronics Show 2024, and Sundance 2024.Feedia is the one stop shop for all of your cutting edge marketing and business development needs across all digital platforms. Feedia is a bleeding edge global strategy company specializing in Marketing, Public Relations, Business Development, and Growth Agency specializing in consumer and business to business engagement. If you are interested in learning more about these historic conversations please contact Feedia.